Monday, April 20, 2009

Saturday Part 1

Saturday afternoon Layla asked to go to the park so we decided to go to the one at the Oliver beach. The beach hasn't been cleaned of it's winter debris yet but that didn't seem to bother Layla. It was only 20 degrees but of course Layla had her shoes off and was in the lake within minutes of us getting there. "Can we pleeeease go home and get my swimsuit?! Pleeeeeeease!" Not likely. She played in the water nearly the whole time we were there and didn't once complain about chilly waters or anything. It reminded me that now that spring is here I need to carry an extra change of clothes, a couple towels, a swimsuit, sunscreen and beach accessories in the van at all times.

Baron also had fun at the park. It was his first time in the baby swings. He loved it!

Baron looked on with curious envy as his sister ran around in the lake. Soon Baron, soon. That's one more thing to add to the van...a very large beach blanket...big enough to deter babies from eating sand. Oh yeah, and a beach umbrella for sensitive baby skin.

This is just some interesting bark I've seen on trees around. I don't know if it's diseased or not but it looks really cool.

Oh, I love thee.


  1. you have some nice shots. i like the shoe picture.

  2. Haha, anytime you compliment my photography "skills" it is of a picture Greg has taken.

  3. oops!
    Greg is a creative guy, I guess.

  4. Baron sure is getting big. Lovely pictures. Looks like you have fun times together.
