That must make him a very well-travelled dog! No, it doesn't, it makes us a not very well-travelled family.
The one place Chester is always welcome is Magrath. The Bournes have graciously accepted our Mastiff as family so we do most of our travels to Southern Alberta.
When we got the invitation to my cousin Tania's wedding I was excited that it was in Raymond because I thought I could see a lot of family in just one trip!
After pulling an all-nighter through the mountains we arrived at the Bournes at about 5am their time (4am BC time). It was worth it though because we got to visit with my parents, Greg's parents, a few siblings, and lots of long-lost cousins, nieces, nephews, aunts and uncles.
Baron got to meet a little boy cousin the same age as him. Him and James Quist were so cute together and enjoyed playing a little catch with Baron's basketball.
Tania's wedding was lots of fun. The kids and adults all had a great time.
Here is my Dad dancing with the bride.