Sunday, January 24, 2010

When I was a child I spent my time running around the neighbourhood playing with my friends, going to the park, and each other's houses and the only thing I worried about was being home in time for dinner.

The times have changed since then and in order for Layla to play with her friends outside of school I need to find out who the parent's are (if I don't already know), get their phone numbers and call to arrange a scheduled "play date". I don't mind this really. I am glad I will know a lot of the parent's of the children who she will likely be going to school with until graduation.
The last few weekends we have been host to some great play dates. We all have fun. Greg chases the kids and swings them around. I chip in on the swinging but I am not as effective of a chaser. Not scary enough. Baron loves chasing too and they are very good about keeping him involved.
Here's some of the highlights.


  1. I hate play dates..and I certainly don't play with the kids myself!
    Word is going to get out and you guys'll have a waiting list for playdates at your house!

  2. Their hair is so static-y -- funny.
