Saturday, March 28, 2009

I don't know Who She Get's It From

Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day. We dressed in shorts and tank tops and spent the whole day outside. I don't know what it is with Layla but every spring she seems to be the klutziest little girl I've ever seen. After the spring is over, it subsides, and then BAM! Spring comes and she is constantly hurting herself.

Yesterday morning we were outside and I was videotaping Layla hula-hooping. (If I could figure out how to get that video from my camera to the blog I would) as she was hopping up the 2 stairs from the grass to our deck she caught her toe on the step and face-planted onto the deck. Cue the tears.

When Greg got home from work we went to the park. Her and Greg were playing basketball and she jammed her thumb on the ball. Cue the tears. Then she befriended another little girl at the playground and was showboating her monkeybar "skills" when she slipped between 2 and hit her chest pretty hard on one of the bars on the way down. I was thankful it wasn't her teeth but nonetheless, cue the tears. So she decided to go on the swings. Greg was pushing her while Baron watched me play basketball. As Greg gave her an underduck, Layla thought she would wave to me at the peak of the underduck. Well, her bum slipped off but she held on with her one hand, came down and face planted in the dirt/wood chips. I ran over, she was spitting out dirt and you couldn't see her face. That's right, cue the tears. We thought maybe it was time to go home but she insisted she was fine and wanted to keep playing.

At home we while Greg was barbecuing, Layla and I were drawing with the sidewalk chalk and playing hopscotch. I was sitting on the step of the deck and she excitedly came over the sit beside me but missed the step. She was however, close enough to get a scratch up the length of her back from the step. Tears tears, polysporin, tears.

We did however get through the day without any trips to the emergency room which seems like quite a feat considering.

I think I'll wait until summer to take her training wheels off her bike which she has been nagging me to do. It's just not worth the tears.

Here's a flashback of the beginning of Layla's clumsiness. She fell while on a walk and scratched her nose on the sidewalk. I hated the stares we got while she had a huge scab for a nose.


  1. poor lays!
    i remember that scabby nose..charlie had a matching one.

  2. I'm too sad to say anything.

  3. I remember that nose....and Charlie's too. Poor Lays.
